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The process of muscle mass growth is the most prominent challenge facing players in gyms, as the growth and increase of muscle mass is a matter that requires time and strict regularity in nutrition and exercise.
5 fruits that compete with meat in building muscle
But there are always some ways that help the professionals in the gym to get more muscle mass and grow more quickly as possible.
In the following report, you will learn about the ten secrets that help you obtain larger muscle masses in the shortest possible time, provided you adhere to the nutrition and exercise regime and get the appropriate rest periods.
1- calories
You have to monitor the amount of calories that you supply to your body very carefully. Writing the number of meals and their contents and the number of calories that each meal contains is not optional, but rather mandatory so that you know whether you need to add more calories or need to decrease them.
2- Compound exercises:
These are exercises that target more than one muscle group at the same time. These exercises are great because they increase your body’s secretion of the male hormone “testosterone”, which increases muscle mass.
Pull-ups and squats, in addition to deadlifts and push-ups, are among the most important exercises that you should not neglect.
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3- Sleep : Getting quiet sleep periods during the night ranging between 7 and 9 hours, is no less important than exercising, as sleep helps recharge your energies and revive muscles through the speed of the muscle recovery process and the restoration of exhausted muscle tissue.
4- Protein during exercise:
Eating your protein powder while you exercise is very important because it gives your muscles a dose of fast-absorbing protein in a way that gives them the necessary nutrition to increase in size and gives your body more carbohydrates that are fuel for the human body.
5- At least twice:
What this phrase means is that if you exercise 4 or 5 days a week, you have to divide your muscles into a lower group and an upper group and make sure that you target each muscle group at least twice a week.
6- Don't neglect your feet.
Regardless of the distorted view that you will suffer from, if you are one of the athletes who neglect the exercises for the muscles of the feet, which is a huge body from the top and weak from the bottom, you will also suffer from the difficulty of obtaining a greater size and size for those muscles of your body muscles, both upper and lower.
Because of the strength of exercises in the lower part of the muscles of the body, the body produces more male hormone and growth hormone in response to the strength of those exercises, which adds more bulk to these muscles and the rest of the other muscle groups.
7- Food on rest days:
Many athletes think that reducing the amount of food eaten during rest days is useful to avoid gaining weight, but the truth is the opposite at all. Even on rest days, you should not reduce the amount of protein you eat, but reduce the amount of carbohydrates but do not approach The amount of proteins
8. Don't be afraid of carbohydrates.
Eating healthy carbohydrates in pasta or rice and brown bread is a terror for many athletes who think that eating carbohydrates on exercise days will cause weight gain, which is of course wrong.
9. Weight control:
You should always pay attention to following the weight, but we do not mean here to follow the number of kilograms through the regular scale. It is natural for your weight to increase with the increase in muscle mass, so you must use the modern scale that analyzes the volume of fat and water in addition to the muscle mass inside the body.
10- Water:
Taking care to hydrate your muscles permanently by drinking water is a pivotal and pivotal issue in building muscles and increasing their size. Burn fat.
To build irresistible muscles enter this Url : https://bit.ly/3y5PBaP
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