Brisbane Planning Commission Meeting 7-22-2021

Brisbane Planning Commission Meeting 7-22-2021

Meeting Agenda:

This virtual meeting is compliant with the Governor’s Executive Order N-08-21 issued on June 11, 2021 allowing for deviation of teleconference rules required by the Brown Act. Consistent with the Order, this virtual meeting provides a safe environment for staff, Planning Commissioners, and the public while allowing for public participation. The public may address the Commission using exclusively remote public comment options which are detailed below.
The Commission may take action on any item listed in the agenda.
The Planning Commission Meeting will be an exclusively virtual meeting. Members of the public may view the meeting by logging into the Zoom Meeting listed below or on Comcast Channel 27 and the City’s YouTube channel at . The agenda materials may be viewed online at .

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 970 0458 3387

Passcode: 215153


Members of the public are encouraged to submit written comments before the meeting to the project planner. See posted public notices at for planner contact information. For items that are not public hearings, refer to the staff report for planner contact information. Members of the public who join the live Zoom meeting may address the Commission in the Zoom meeting when called upon by the Chairperson. Please use the “Chat” box in Zoom to alert staff that you want to address the Commission.

Members of the public watching the meeting on YouTube or Channel 27 may email or text comments prior to the start of the particular agenda item to the below email and text line:

Text: 415-713-9266

A call-in number is also available for those watching the meeting on YouTube or Channel 27 for oral communications and public hearing items:

Phone Number: +1 (669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 970 0458 3387.

After entering the meeting ID and pressing #, simply press # a second time to enter the meeting waiting room. No participant code is required. Please wait to call until the Chairperson and/or staff announces that the phone line is open. When you are let into the meeting, press *6 on your phone to unmute yourself before addressing the Commission. To avoid feedback, please turn off the volume of the meeting broadcast on your TV or computer. You will still be able to hear the Commissioners through your phone.


If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development Department at (415) 508-2120 in advance of the meeting. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Commissioners: Funke, Gomez, Gooding, Patel, and Sayasane


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