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अमोल ज्यादा पढ़े-लिखे नहीं थे. पर उन्होंने हर वो Skill सीखी जिससे अच्छा Career बनाया जा सके और वो सफल हुए.
अमोल जी की तरह ही हम सब भी Career में नई ऊंचाई हासिल कर सकते हैं, अगर हम सही Skills सीख लें.
जिसके लिए सबसे सही Mentor है Josh Skills - https://joshskills.app.link/YzmK4fDmFhb
एक छोटे से गांव के लड़के ने खड़ा कर दिया करोड़ो का Business.
ऐसी कहानियां अक्सर कम ही सुनने के मिलती हैं, पर Amol ने अपने Hardwork के दम पर ये कर दिखाया.
अमोल एक बेहद गरीब परिवार से आते थे. उनका गांव बेहद छोटा था. वहां ना बिजली आती थी और भी ऐसी कई Basic facilities वहां मौजूद नहीं थी. कुछ समय बाद अमोल दिल्ली शहर आए और यहां उन्होंने नौकरी करना शुरू किया.
अमोल ने अपनी Life में Success हासिल की. पर कुछ समय बाद उन्होंने फैसला किया कि वो अपना खुद का business शुरू करेंगें. जिसके बाद उन्होंने एक Innovation idea ढूंढा और एक Successful business खड़ा कर दिया.
Are you a college student, a fresh graduate or a working professional who is fed up with their job and wants to start a business of their own? Do you want to know how to start a business with no money, how to get business ideas, how to identify business ideas, or how to start a business in college? Many also think that they can earn money online or earn money from home if they start a business. But is this approach right? Is starting a multi crore business possible?
Amol Anand was just another directionless working professional, struggling with fitting in and looking for ways to make her business dream into a reality. A series of fortunate and unfortunate incidents made him realize a business opportunity.
Hence, He decided to build a solution to one of the biggest pain points: electricity. And this started his journey from almost nothing to a 100 Crore Business.
Watch this video if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, want to know how to start a business or a startup with no money or just looking for some life-changing motivation!
Through this talk, we can learn -
How to build a successful business?
How to find the business idea?
How to build a profitable business?
How to grow your business?
How to start your business?
How 4Ps of marketing work?
#JoshTalksHindi #BusinessIdea💡 #BuildBusiness📈
Josh Talks Hindi aims to inspire and motivate you by bringing to you the best Hindi motivational videos. What started as a simple conference is now a fast-growing media platform that covers the most innovative rags to riches success stories with speakers from every conceivable background, including entrepreneurship, women’s rights, public policy, sports, entertainment and social initiatives. With 7 regional languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the challenges they face in their careers or business and helping them discover their true calling in life.
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