"Boost up Your Aura" Attract the Positive Energy with our Meditation Video and the journey to the life .we help you to do 7 Chakra Balancing & Healing by Meditation and Chakra Healing.
Most Beneficial Videos:
Self- Hypnosis -"live sessions"
Self- Hypnosis
Chi Energy - "Soul power activation"
Science behind water
The Power of Gratitude
Positive Affirmations:- Health, Spiritual Awakening, Success, Relationship, for students
Use the Power of words to change your life
Journey to the 11th Dimension
Dream Psychology
Know the Power of your subconscious mind
How to do good parenting
Quantum Physics and Spirituality-"Everything is connected"
How Your Karma Works and what is purpose of your life
Third Eye Meditation And Opening the Agya chakra
About this channel :From a profound perspective, we accept that we transmit an energy field or emanation around us that others may feel. This energy field or air is the thing that will pull in individuals to us. At the point when you have an energy field or air of good energy, you can deliver an atmosphere of harmony and quiet and other good emotions. With this air, we can move, inspire and drive the individuals around us to be like this. On the off chance that you give out an excessive amount of negative energy, you can repulse dear loved ones and perhaps pull in some unacceptable organization to your circle. Negative energy would incorporate being strained most occasions, being loaded with outrage and nervousness. 🙏 Namaste,
This Channel is a combination of science with spirituality .This YouTube channel which serves you the best meditation, healing, relaxing and sleep Workshop. Our videos are created on the basis of different issues faced by human mind and healing it with the Mediation is our Moto. This channel was created in Joined 23 Feb 2019 with an aim of providing digital space for those who are going through stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression. They include relaxing sessions that will help you to relief stress. Or relief yourself from negative feelings like anxiety and help to enhance positive energy in you. It can also give your meditation techniques a boost if you use this type of soothing music as you meditate. It can also have healing capacity where you will learn how to find inner peace and heal yourself within with the capability of meditation workshop. Our workshop or session combined with relaxing but strong affirmation and hypnotic commands that helps people overcome their stress and anxiety. We have been using a precise professional technique in order to provide you the best output after the session and people feel the change from the very first session only.
• About Me: My name is Akash chawla, Akash (A Better Human) Universe Saviour Foundation. An International Spiritual Trainer |Modern Monk||Life Coach|-527+Workshop (Asia)|475+Awards|14500+Trainees|27000+Connection Hypnotherapist. My Moto is simply to spread positive energy and thoughts all over the world. My music generally helps to enhance positive energy and relax mind body. If you love my work, I request you to connect with me by subscribing to my Meditation & Healing And positive Affirmation Channel. We conduct Live classes for various kind of Mediation and share our live Experiences Here you can get every meditation aspect to clear out the vision of your life.
With this channel we assume to do googd to every individual who want to grow and get relaxed in their lives.