Homemade all natural customised Bath Crystal mix (read info)

Homemade all natural customised Bath Crystal mix (read info)

Myself and my little Girl Starla absolutely love crafting and making customised products specially to someone’s need using all natural, healing, therapeutic products. Don’t get me wrong it isn’t just as easy as throwing a few bits in a bowl. You have to make sure you use the correct oils, the correct herbs and plant Mix the correct crystals or your intention isn’t going to work, so it’s kind of like a science lesson. This Bath Crystal blend is for someone who struggles a lot with anxiety, low mood, confidence & painful periods. Creating a mix for 4 different ailments and combining them takes a lot of time but it’s worth it because it will help support someone & their need & that makes us happy. And I love that my little girl enjoys creating natural magic from nature too & loves helping others as much as I do πŸ’š

Customised bath crystals designed to you and your exact need can be purchased at Bewitched Botanicals (find us on Facebook)
Or send me a message

Ps we can create shower pouches too if baths just aren’t your thing.


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