How can we handle the problem with pleasure?

How can we handle the problem with pleasure?

Pleasure is a good thing, pleasure gives the body pleasant sensations, satisfactions gratify the soul. To handle the problems with pleasure we must allow more pleasure in to our life. We must discover our strengths and begin to put them to work, it says that we must stop spending so much time policing ourselves and begin taking more time to challenge ourselves. In order to discover our strengths and begin to put them in to work. We tend to feel our best when we are doing our best, and we can only do our best when we are doing what we do best, that is plsying our strengths. While conventional wisdom encourages us to develop our weaknesses research into success and fulfilment points out that when we play to our strengths and manage our weaknesses, we not only perform better but we get more satisfaction from our performance. We must identify our strengths and consider our strengths to see clearly the common characteristic and standards in our life. We must practice doing at least one difficult thing each day. How can we handle problems with pleasure. The book says: That everyday we must try to be a happy person and do at least one difficult thing daily. It may seem odd to conclude a lesson in happiness by talking about deliberately seeking out difficulties, it is a lesson that life itself continually attemps to teach us. It says even here, that everyday we must begin to say thank you for the problems because the more we have it the more we go to God in to prayers. Problems gives us strength, it is a worthy challenge in our life, bear in mind that optimal experience tends to live at the balancing point at the outer edge of our abilities when we are fully engaged but not overwhelmed by the challenge so let’s face problems with pleasure no matter what it is there a tool that helps our life to keep on going, it must be there to support on our Lifejourney!


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