How To Fix "Your DNS Server Might Be Unavailable" Error in Windows 10

How To Fix "Your DNS Server Might Be Unavailable" Error in Windows 10

How To Fix "Your DNS Server Might Be Unavailable" Error in Windows 10
Your DNS Server Might Be Unavailable
Your DNS server might be unavailable
You may also see the error after running a Windows troubleshooter (or Windows Network Diagnostics) to resolve issues that prevent your computer from connecting to the internet. In any case, you need not worry – you are hardly the only user who is facing the problem in question.

Other DNS problems – especially those similar to the one defined by the DNS unavailability notification – may manifest themselves in other ways and force Windows to display the following messages:

DNS server is not responding
DNS server is down
DNS server is not available
DNS server timed out
DNS server disconnected
DNS server not found
DNS server could not be found
So, if you see any of the notifications above, then you can rest easy knowing that you are in good company. We will now proceed to the primary part of this guide, where we get to show you how to remove the Your DNS server might be unavailable notifications and resolve the issues associated with them. We intend to address all the DNS problems in the stated forms.
How to fix ‘Your DNS server might be unavailable’ in Windows 10
So you've seen the Your DNS server might be unavailable message. This alert is telling you that something isn’t working properly and you can’t connect to the Internet until all the issues are being fixed.
First, reset your router. It's the easiest solution when dealing with DNS errors. Just unplug and reconnect the router power cable or press the router reset button.
For any other problem with your DNS, you can check our exclusive collection of expert articles on this subject on the DNS section of our website.
If you don't have Internet connection nowadays, you feel like you're stranded on a desert island. Go to our Network & Internet troubleshooting page so solve this fast.

Quazi Mahmudul Huq
Senior Faculty
IT System Admin

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Quazi Mahmudul HuqIT System AdminHow To Fix Your DNS Server Might Be Unavailable

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