Cindy Ragni, the proprietor of WonderfulBooksofOz.com (an official sponsor of OzCon), chats with OzCon chair Colin Ayres about how to identify true first editions to add to your Oz book collection.
Use discount code: OZCON2021 at www.wonderfulbooksofoz.com for $10 off $40 min order, thru end of 2021, one use per customer.
See Michael Gessel's first edition video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Vi00cySMg
And last years video with Cindy of Wonderful Books of Oz https://youtu.be/jS03QD9NqNQ
OzCon Intro music "Ask the Flowers to tell" from Tik-Tok Man of Oz performed by The LA Quadling.
Check out the LA Quadling's YouTube channel.
Join us this weekend July 16-18 at Virtual OzCon.
Register for free and view the full schedule at www.ozconinternational.com
Wonderful Books of Oz is once again the OFFICIAL VIRTUAL OZCON 2021 SPONSOR!
USE DISCOUNT CODE: OZCON2021 AT: www.wonderfulbooksofoz.com
$10 off $40 min order, thru end of 2021, one use per customer.