In the Night Garden 209 - Upsy Daisy, Iggle Piggle, and the Bed and the Ball Videos for Kids
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Upsy Daisy is asleep in her bed when the ball bounces into the garden. While Upsy Daisy plays with the ball, Igglepiggle decides to go to sleep in Upsy Daisyês bed. Only Upsy Daisy is allowed to sleep in Upsy Daisyês bed. Upsy Daisy discovers Igglepiggle and chases him round and round. What will happen when Upsy Daisy leaves her bed to play with the ball again?
And so begins In The Night GardenŠ—_ a thoroughly modern interpretation of a nursery rhyme picture book that takes children on an imaginative journey to meet a host of wonderfully silly characters living together within a happy and caring community. #WildBrain #InTheNightGarden #VideosForKids