One dose of Moderna exhibits 72% efficiency against Delta variant

One dose of Moderna exhibits 72% efficiency against Delta variant

모더나 1차 접종시 델타변이 72% 예방…입원·사망 96% 막아줘

A single dose of the Moderna vaccine is 72 percent effective in preventing infection with the Delta variant... and 96 percent effective in preventing hospitalization and death.
This... according to a study in Canada that South Korean health authorities cited on Thursday.
Moderna will be one of the most widely used type of vaccines in South Korea starting Q3.
People in their 50s are scheduled to get the Moderna vaccine starting next Monday.
77-point-six percent of the people who are eligible have made reservations
A separate study also reveals why the Delta variant is more transmissible than the non-variant.
Delta causes a thousand times more viral load than the non-variant.
In addition, the infected become contagious four days after catching the disease... which is two days faster than the non-variant.

#COVID19 #moderna #variant

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2021-07-22, 22:00 (KST)

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