SER EOFY 2019 Cut Off Dates

SER EOFY 2019 Cut Off Dates

SER EOFY 2019 Cut Off Dates
At SER we know what a busy time End of Financial Year is for you. So, I have asked a few of Our People to take you through some critical end of financial year cut off dates.
*Settlements: COB 25/6/19
*Payouts: COB 25/6/19
*Approvals: COB 26/6/19
This is a busy time for everyone, and the above dates will ensure your expectations are met. If you have to submit any of the above after these cut off dates, we will do everything we can to get it back to you as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your Account Manager.

eofyimportant datescut off dates

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