What Parents Need to Know About College Admissions - All Things Fadra

What Parents Need to Know About College Admissions - All Things Fadra

What parents need to know about college admissions is how much things have changed in the 20-30 years since they applied.

Are SAT scores are still important? Should your kid try to "do it all" in high school? Do colleges even care?

I sat down with former Cornell University admissions director, John Morganelli Jr., to ask some pretty direct questions about what the college admissions landscape looks like, especially for Ivy League and competitive schools. You might be surprised with what I learned!

(Consider this your free introductory consulting session!)

Reach out to John Morganelli at https://ivyleagueconsultant.com/ or buy his book Growing Ivy https://amzn.to/3xCNBH0 for more information.

Read more about my experience and my interview on my blog: https://allthingsfadra.com/what-parents-need-to-know-about-college-admissions/

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