Most of our oceans remain unexplored to this day, and there are all kinds of creepy crawlies as well as some massive creatures lurking about within them. Some of these creatures are so strange, dangerous, or just plain creepy-looking that you wouldn’t want to get even close to them. From the crazy-looking Lionfish, the terrifying Vampire Squid, to even types of Sea Urchins that can kill you, like the Flower Urchin. Here are 15 deep-sea creatures you NEVER want to meet.
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Sea Snakes
Snakes are already some of the scariest creatures on land, but imagine you’re out for a swim in the ocean and you see one of them swimming right next to you! The worst part is that sea snakes aren’t just one species, they’re actually a collection of up to 50 different species, and they range from harmless to highly venomous. Some sea snakes are so venomous that they could even kill you by simply biting your swimsuit. Most of them will actively try to avoid you, so you should simply stay away if you ever see one.
Frilled Shark
Imagine being an animal that looks so out of this world that they actually call you a living fossil. That’s the case for the Frilled Shark. Frilled sharks are usually found near the seafloor by the continental and island shelves, and you’re very unlikely to come across one in real life. However, some of these frilled sharks have actually even made their way up to the surface, so you can never be too careful. They have one of the largest jaws in the world when it comes to sharks, and could easily devour you whole.
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