COST OF CONDO PHILIPPINES | Computation Discussion

COST OF CONDO PHILIPPINES | Computation Discussion

In this video, I shared the computation for a studio unit of SMDC Twin Residences and I also explained all the terminologies mentioned on it to help first time condo buyers to understand how much a condo cost in the Philippines.

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For all inquiries on SMDC Twin Residences, kindly DM me on the facebook page

You can also chat with me on a daily basis in all of these places:

0:00 - Intro
0:51 - Sample Computation
1:30 - Property Details
2:20 - Developer Payment Terms
3:18 - Balance Payment

#condocost #twinresidences #samplecomputation

---------Camera and Accessories Used To Shoot This Video -------

Camera — Samsung S20
Audio — Rode VideoMicro Compact On-Camera Microphone

DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored.

About This Video:
In this video, Desay Barretto shared and explained the sample computation for SMDC Twins Residences. Real estate investment is very costly and if you ever start it the wrong way and if you choose the wrong location it will be a very painful and costly mistake. Check out this video for more information about condo investing and all the real estate news that is happening in the Philippines!

Music in this video 🎼
Song Sky High
Artist Elektronomia Nightcore
Licensed to YouTube by
AEI (on behalf of NCS); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, LatinAutorPerf, Featherstone Music (publishing), LatinAutor, AMRA, ASCAP, and 10 Music Rights Societies

cost of condo investmentcondo cost philippinesmanila condo cost

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