How to participate in Q&A:
Join our community on Discourse to post questions to our speakers and discuss with others on Data-centric AI.
- If you are new to our Discourse community, click here https://bit.ly/discourse-data-centric-ai
- If you have already created an account on our Discourse community, go to https://community.deeplearning.ai/c/random-discussions/data-centric-ai/67 (You can also find the Data-centric AI subcategory page under General Discussions on the home page.)
- You can ask a question by creating a topic, and you can also upvote others'.
Event agenda (*subject to change):
10-min: Keynote speech: Andrew Ng
15-min: Presentations from the panel speakers on their work and the real world approaches of data-centric AI
45-min Panel discussion:
20-min Q&A
In this event, Dr. Andrew Ng and his teams, as well as other industry leaders will be sharing their views as well as real-world use cases on how they have elevated data-centric approaches to improving the performance of machine learning models.
This event is a special collaboration between DeepLearning.AI, FourthBrain, Landing AI and AI Fund (all founded by Dr. Andrew Ng and/or backed by the AI Fund).
To learn more:
Data-centric AI competition (submission deadline: Sep 4, 2021): https://https-deeplearning-ai.github.io/data-centric-comp/
Andrew Ng's speech on MLOps: From model-centric to data-centric AI: https://youtu.be/06-AZXmwHjo
DeepLearning.AI: https://www.deeplearning.ai/
FourthBrain: https://www.fourthbrain.ai/
Landing AI: https://landing.ai/
AI Fund: https://aifund.ai/