This Video helps to understand the estimation pf a Single room or Double rooms seprated by a partition wall by the method of Centre Line Method.
There are generally two methods for calculating the quantities of measurement i.e.
1) Long & Short Wall Method
2) Centre Line Method
As we have done so many numericals based on Long and Short Wall Method. Thus comparing both the methods of estimation a student or any professional will be able to solve the pratical problems with the use of the above two methods.
Simple and basic numerical based on Centre line method is:
Lecture 11
You Tube Link: https://youtu.be/aNqowpyjAnQ
(Next Video) Numerical based on two room by centre line method
Lecture 12
You Tube Link: https://youtu.be/k_gGzzh2meE
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Thanks & Regards
Prof. Aditya Agrawal
Email Id: adyagrawal04dec@gmail.com