Hey everyone and welcome back to Genshin Impact.
We head to speak with Thoma as we have some questions for him. Thoma speaks about the clans that are based around Inazuma and how he protects one daughter named Ayaka. Thoma has but in a lot of work over the last month to have our arrival go as smooth as possible, also it seems that Ayaka wants to meet us and help Inazuma the way we have with the other nations. This is not something we are interested in as we just want to meet the archon and get closer to our brother.
Thoma gives us an invitation to find him again once we reach the next area and leaves us. We head to the boarder to leave Ritou but are stopped quickly as we do not own a travel permit. We have to find a way to get one so we can leave this island and travel deeper into Inazuma. We ask around on how to get our own travel permit but this seems to be a hard thing to do. We are offered a permit in return for a job but the terms are ridiculous. It seems someone in the family wants our help with something and wants a secret meeting.
We head over to the area at night to see if they are able to help in any way, again they ask us to deliver a letter. Before we walk away they explain the meaning behind the letter and how they can help us get a travel permit that will allows us to travel around Inazuma freely. We agree to the terms and help to reansport some supplies out of Ritou this gets us past the boarder. We are now able to delivar this valuable letter and get ourselves a travel permit.
We now have more of Inazuma to explore. The islands are beautiful and filled with new items for us to collect. There are a load of new enemies for us to face and defeat. We travel to a small village near by and speak to the locals in the area. We are able to learn some more about the restrictions in Inazuma and how its people are treated.
Check back next time as we use our invitation and try to find Thoma.
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Game 🎮 : Genshin Impact