Holding myself accountable | #2 | Out of shape | Working Out | Don't feel like you have to watch

Holding myself accountable | #2 | Out of shape | Working Out | Don't feel like you have to watch

Holding myself accountable #2 | Out of shape | Working Out | Don't feel like you have to watch. I am posting these work out videos to hold myself accountable. recording helps me do that. If you watch... Thank you so much, I appreciate all your support and love. It means the world to me. I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my HEART for stopping by and spending some time with me. I APPRECIATE YOU!! for helping me in more ways then just viewing my content. I LOVE YOU for returning and staying apart of my channel. Remember Remain Awesome

Home Workout Health Hub - stretching video https://youtu.be/WDXz0uhwa2U

work out video - https://youtu.be/eJPHUblMvX8

https://youtu.be/I9ZRSpLTSu8 the video I watched on my 3rd day

I'm also on

Twitter = https://twitter.com/joylynn_grindle

Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/joylynngrindle/?hl=en

Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/joy.grindle.56?ref=bookmarks

Pinterest = https://www.pinterest.com/jbgrindle79/boards/

youtube link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPam53HcBDQXv_IggMW1c9w

PR enquirers or Business opportunities only please email me at = jbgrindle79@gmail.com

If you would like to send me snail mail, please do I love letter's
Joylynn Grindle
P.O. Box 162
Manton, MI 49663

If you would like to donate to the channel
my pay pal @jbgrindle79 (under my husbands name but my pay pal)

#holdingmyselfaccountable #workingout #joysway


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