Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Jane M Powers.
Using her straightforward, big-hearted style, Jane M Powers guides thousands to Speak with Confidence and Sell with Authority. With decades of successful speaking, training, and coaching, and real-life experience founding and running three multi-million dollar businesses, Jane appreciates that success is truly about the power of your CORE message.
With over 30 years of sales success as a Corporate Executive and Entrepreneur, she brings you everything you need to ensure a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Jane has been changing the way people authentically sell and how to move people into action to expand great success, leave a legacy, and most of all - make a difference.
Why you've got to check out Jane's episode:
- Learn how Jane helps entrepreneurs and business owners to help them speak with confidence and sell with authority, and to connect, capture and close their ideal audience.
- Why Jane thinks that as an entrepreneur, every time you open your mouth you should be making money.
- Discover the challenge most entrepreneurs have when it comes to articulating what you do. And when you do explain what you do you need to 'Position Me', 'Position Them', & 'Position Your Invitation'
- Why any funnel will not work for your business if you do not nail your INTROmercial (elevator pitch) and how critical your message is as a business owner.
- How AI can help you create your INTROmercial and how you can create yours in under 3.5 minutes (see link below).
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Tom Bailey: Hello and welcome to Succeed Through Speaking the place for experts and entrepreneurs who want high value ideas to boost business results.
Hello, I'm Tom Bailey. And in today's episode, I'll be getting to know Jane Powers. Who's an award-winning international speaker and sales trainer, as well as a best-selling author. So, Jane, hello and a very warm welcome to today's episode.
Jane M Powers: Hello. I always want to come on with an accent because people make more money with accents. I really believe that. So, thank you for having me.
Tom Bailey: Oh, awesome. Thank you. And talking about accents whereabouts are you based right now?
Jane M Powers: I am in Arizona, but I'm originally from Chicago. So, if you hear a little bit of the accent, that's the best it goes. I get a little Chicago every once in a while.
Tom Bailey: Oh, awesome. Thank you. Well, I'm in Birmingham in the UK and I've got very strong Midlands accents. I don't worry about it at all. So, I want to share a little bit more about you before we do get started. So, with decades of successful speaking training and coaching experiences, as well as having founded three multimillion dollar businesses, Jane guides, thousands of her clients to speak with competence and sell it with authoritarians and brings everything that you need to ensure a competitive edge in the marketplace. The title for today's episode is How To Speak With Confidence And Sell With Authority. And Jane's going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. So, question number one today is who are your ideal clients?
Jane M Powers: Let me tell you I will do it in less than seven seconds. So, people buckle up and be ready to go because in 17.5 seconds, I should. Turn off this episode right now, but I should have you leaning in. So I am Jane Powers, entrepreneurs and business owners hire me to speak with confidence and sell with authority because most are boring, confusing, and inconsistent, and they can't articulate their message clearly enough and leaving money on the table. So, I help them connect, capture, and close their ideal audience. Bottom line. Every time you open your mouth, you should make money. So that is my famous like world renown. I start that rumor world renowned intro mercial. So what the best way to move yourself into success is ditch your elevator pitch. It's old fashioned. Nobody. If you're saying I help people are thinking, oh, that's so sweet. Forget about. People hire me. And that's what you want to do. That, that is like the most epic thing I can tell you. And I'll give you more, but yes. So, continue with your questions.
Tom Bailey: Fantastic. I'm leaning in already. So, when you think of your ideal clients, what would you say is the biggest challenge that they typically face?