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Time Stamps:
Aries 0:33
Taurus 16:22
Gemini 31:03
Cancer 50:05
Leo 1:04:44
Virgo 1:17:01
Libra 1:30:07
Scorpio 1:42:50
Sagittarius 1:54:51
Capricorn 2:04:30
Aquarius 2:25:13
Pisces 2:37:55
**How to calculate your Life Path Number **
To calculate your Life Path Number (For use with the monthly Life Path Energy Readings):
1. Write down your full birth date (Month/Day/Year). Ex. 12/23/1976
2. Add all of the numbers together and then reduce the sum to a single digit or master number (master numbers are not reduced).
Ex: 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 +1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 31, because this is still a double digit and not a master number I will need to reduce once more: 3 + 1= 4
3. Four is the final single number in this reduction so in this example, this person would have a Life Path Number 4.
Example of a Master Number: 04/10/1970 * 4 +1 + 0 + 1 + 9 +7 + 0 = 22 Because this is a Master Number you would not reduce it down. HOWEVER, the root number of a master number is VERY relevant in your path.
Hugs and BIG wishes!
Kim :)
Dreamwork | Numerologist | Energy Reader | Animal Spirit Messages
Intentionally Intuitive, LLC