Preference (Preferred) Shares & Equity Shares - Types of Shares

Preference (Preferred) Shares & Equity Shares - Types of Shares

2 major types of shares - preference shares (preferred shares) and common equity shares (ordinary shares) are explained in hindi. Preference shares (preferred stock) common equity shares (ordinary shares)

In this video, we have explained:
What is preference share?
What is common equity share?
Why does a company issue preferred share?
What is the difference between preference and equity shares?
What are the advantages of preference shares?
Can a private limited company issue preference stock?
Is it compulsory to pay dividend on preferred shares?
Are preference shares traded in stock market?
Are preference shareholders owners of the company?
Who are equity shareholders?
What are advantages of equity shares?
What are the features of preferred shares?
Can preference shareholders vote?
Which type of return we get in preference share and equity share?
Which type of investors invest in preference share and equity share?

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