r/EntitledPeople - Karen in a conservation area ignores signs to keep people off a delicate environment and steps off the path because her and her kid want to take pictures with water lilies. Karen regrets her decision when she immediately starts sinking into deep mud and requires help to get out. Stay tuned for more entitled people and Karen stories!
▶️Check out our previous r/EntitledPeople video:
r/EntitledPeople Hunters Keep Trespassing on MY Land! I Get Them ARRESTED! | Reddit Stories
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Story 1 by u/NagiNaoe101
Story 2 by u/Mountain_Light_8203
Story 3 by u/hesperidium-rex
Story 4 by u/Allofthemonkeys
Story 5 by u/Excellent_Jam9262
#karenstories #redditstories
All stories on this channel are narrations of posts found on Reddit and are not associated with myself or this channel. If you are the original author of any stories featured on this channel and would not like them to be used, please contact me.