Scientists Said A 1973 MIT Supercomputer That Predicted A Global Collapse Looks To Be Right On Track

Scientists Said A 1973 MIT Supercomputer That Predicted A Global Collapse Looks To Be Right On Track

Scientists said a 1973 MIT supercomputer that predicted a global collapse looks to be right on track. Today, we take a look at the 1973 MIT supercomputer and how scientists have said that it seems to be on track.

In 1972, a group of researchers at MIT calculated potential future scenarios of human society, based on the trajectory of capitalism and industrial civilisations. They compiled their findings and published them in the book, The Limits to Growth, which ended up becoming a bestseller. The main argument was that our society would collapse by the 2040s due to a lack of natural resources.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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