Most governments recognise that vaccination is the fastest way out of the pandemic, but in many places hesitancy is hindering the roll-out. Should employers—or even governments—force people to have the vaccine? We answer your questions.
Read more of our covid-19 coverage: https://econ.st/37AvUfF
Listen to “The Jab” podcast from Economist Radio: https://econ.st/3CJKBv8
Listen to our podcast about vaccine incentives: https://econ.st/2XmrDL9
How uneven vaccination is affecting the global economy: https://econ.st/3jMj03R
How successful are vaccination incentives? https://econ.st/2Xlmenz
Why might America lose the vaccination race? https://econ.st/3jQyIuL
Why do vaccine certificates harm society? https://econ.st/3lXSlUG
Why are Americans prone to vaccine hesitancy? https://econ.st/3fXywce
Why is vaccine hesitancy putting covid vaccine progress at risk? https://econ.st/3CJS65g
How many people in the world have been vaccinated? https://econ.st/3lTLlYH
Are vaccine certificates becoming reality? https://econ.st/37Dw4mu
How France is dealing with vaccine hesitancy: https://econ.st/3s89lIS