Super Scientist Academy Day 5: How To Vanquish A Virus

With the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines now established, Paul Ian Cross, who has over 20 years of experience in scientific research, launches a five-episode video series that will answer your questions around Covid-19 and how science has played a starring role in our recovery. In each episode, he tackles questions such as ‘what does a coronavirus look like?’ ‘how do we tackle vaccine myths?’ ‘how does our immune system work?’ and ‘what does a scientist do?’ In this video, Paul explains how vaccines work and talks about what we'll need to do to vanquish the coronavirus.

Published by Welbeck Children’s Books, How to Vanquish a Virus is a fascinating blend of facts, quotes and science stories from the world of health research and science history. The book, for ages 8 and above, highlights the incredible work of a diverse group of Super Scientists, who worked tirelessly to get us through the pandemic, and out the other side: from vaccine researchers to science communicators.

#COVID19 #Pandemic #SARSCOV2 #Medicine #Science #SuperScientists #ScienceForKids #ChildrensBooks #BooksForKids #ScienceBooks #ScienceHistory #ScienceFacts #Research #ClinicalTrials #HealthResearch #COVID19Vaccines #Vaccines #VaccineSafety #HowToVanquishAVirus
