The only birthday present you really need, Meghan A happier husband - CAROLE MALONE

First, I'd just like to wish you a fabulous 40th birthday. I'm sure your adoring husband will have planned something gloriously romantic to make you feel happy and special today.

Who'd have thought all those years ago, when you were a teenager and your bedroom walls were plastered with pictures of Princess Diana, that one day you'd be married to her beloved son and be the mother of his children?

As you sit looking at Harry over the dinner table in your £11million mansion, it must be hard to believe that you actually wept watching him walk behind her coffin on that terrible day in September 1997.

Yet all these years later, here the two of you are with your perfect family.

You must be feeling pretty pleased that, thanks to that young prince, every one of your girlhood fantasies - becoming rich, famous, even royal - has come to pass, even though you were separated not just by an ocean, but by a class and cultural divide.

But no class divide was ever going to be a problem for you, Meghan - not with the kind of confidence and self-belief, some might say arrogance - that makes you the powerhouse you are...
