Join the Delivery Service to take advantage of Thrive Life's Fabulous 42% Off Sale, Aug 1 - 31.
Shop or become a consultant at our Thrive Life food store. https://bkeller.thrivelife.com/index
Here are the August Specials. https://myoffice.thrivelife.com/storage/resource_files/D2-162553-S_August_Specials_Flyer_w_TN(3).pdf
Here's our "Cooking with Thrive" playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD231j5QApVJw2Hn9cs11LgY34YOOvQyD
Would you like to earn a paycheck every time your neighbor goes grocery shopping? Every month! To learn more about becoming a Thrive Life consultant, text “thrive” (without the quotes) to (571) 248-5282
Join our Live Simple, Live Free Face Book Group. http://www.facebook.com/groups/tinyhouseprepper
General email: billk@kelleremail.com
Also, join our new “Thriving Good Recipes” FB group for a clearinghouse of recipes by Thrive Life customers and consultants. Add a few of your own! https://www.facebook.com/groups/187043475314531/
Do you have a home based business? I do weekly training sessions about how to leverage to POWER of Social Media to build your business completely online. The marketing principles I teach will work with any company or product, on any social media platform. You can can find my marketing training in 3 different places.
On You tube https://www.youtube.com/BillKellerOnline
On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/billkelleronline
My website https://www.billkelleronline.com
Check out our Instagram account! https://www.instagram.com/livesimplelivefree_thp