Is there anything more uncomfortable while cycling than neck pain?
Unfortunately neck pain from cycling stems from the unnatural position and posture we adopt on the bike.
Commonly extensor muscles deep in your neck become exhausted and tighten to compensate for a lack of strength.
As a result the trapezius muscles running from the shoulder to the base of the skull take on extra work and may develop pain from overuse.
Exercise scientist EJ MacDonald is here to help relieve your neck discomfort with the help of some simple exercises and stretches to incorporate into your daily routine.
See other videos in the series:
Ultimate Cycling Knee Pain Tips & Tricks: https://youtu.be/f8giKd70l9k
Ultimate Cycling Back Pain Tips & Tricks: https://youtu.be/ijy8gmzpr3g
Checkout EJ's Cycling Tips for Female Cyclist: https://www.soomom.com/blogs/news/womens-cycling-tips-high-performance
Soomom: https://www.soomom.com
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#cyclingpain #cyclinginjuries #setthepace