Is age a factor? What about dehydration? Does the climate you live in have anything. todo with it? We're talking all that AND More...
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#HeatCramps #HeatStrokeSymptoms #Bestie
Sources: https://pastebin.com/F2wkXdED
Intro - 0:00
What exactly are heat cramps? - 00:32
Dehydration - 01:08
Exercise and Outdoor Work - 02:13
Fun In The Sun - 03:16
Age - 04:29
What can be done to get relief from heat cramps? - 05:11
Rest - 05:54
Rehydrate - 06:27
Get a Massage and Stretch - 06:51
How can you prevent heat cramps in the future? - 07:06
When are heat cramps an emergency? - 07:48
1. Dehydration
There are many electrolytes present in our bodies, but sodium, potassium, and calcium are the three key electrolytes among them. They are required in small amounts to maintain bodily fluids, muscle function, and proper functioning of the nervous system. A dip in sodium levels is enough to cause severe electrolyte loss, which may result in heat cramps.
2. Exercise And Outdoor Work
It's so refreshing to step out for a quick jog. But it's a risky move on an extremely hot day. Hard labor in hot temperatures is enough to give you a bad heat cramp. You're pushing your body past its limit.
3. Fun In The Sun
Like I said, hot temperatures are brutal for your cramps. But it’s not just hard exercise that leaves you vulnerable to this. A beach could be the perfect vacation, until the heat cramps set in. You can get them just by sitting out in the sun for a little bit.
4. Age
Younger adults can handle heat cramps a little better than children and older folks. Not only are these two groups vulnerable to heat cramps, but also heat stroke and dehydration.
For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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