For a long time, we have become accustomed to seeing things being done improperly, so when someone actually does something in a competent manner we get truly surprised because it has become such a rare event that most of us wouldn't be expecting to see things working right. People always say "if you want something right, do it yourself," and nowadays, that is more true than ever. Unfortunately, in our broken society, the most incompetent people are in positions of power and making decisions that affect everyone's lives. They run entire organizations, states, and the whole country. It seems that the more inept and corrupt someone is, the bigger are the chances for that person to be a politician.
And the prize of "most incompetent" of them all has to go to our delirious Mr. President. Everything Biden tries to do turns into an epic failure. A major example of it is the ongoing border crisis. It is the most chaotic it has ever been in all of our History, and recent reports describe that our Border Patrol agents are completely burned out. Thanks to Biden's illogical new policies, our Border Patrol agents have their hands tied and have been forbidden to do their jobs, and as a result, many of them show up to work hopeless and exhausted. Evidently, the border crisis is just one of the many Biden has been failing to tackle. When it comes to our economy, his reckless spending has resulted in what many are calling the "Bidenflation" because in less than a year into his presidency he effectively succeeded in making everyone's purchasing power collapse irreversibly.
And if we were to criticize his response to the health crisis and the completely impulsive decisions he has been making ever since he got into office, we would definitely get censored into oblivion. At least right now his utter incompetence has been making the headlines due to the tragic crisis he provoked in Afghanistan. The offenders that we were supposed to destroy in 2001 have managed to surround and corner us in half an airport, and there are still countless people that can’t get to the evacuation planes. Several staff members that worked at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul are still in extreme shock and totally disappointed in how poorly the US government handled the situation.
As opposed to British forces that have been leaving the airport and bringing back people that need to be evacuated, the U.S. government isn't taking more active evacuation measures. In fact, the Daily Mail revealed that "The White House repeatedly refused to address the August 31 deadline to get US troops out of Afghanistan on Monday, dodging questions on the subject and snapping at reporters who asked how the government planned to save the remaining Americans stuck in Kabul". At this point, our troops are still holed up at the airport, trying to evacuate tens of thousands of people while fending off an increasingly desperate crowd.
Yesterday, Biden turned his back on reporters again when the angry journalists asked for answers on what he was doing to solve the worsening crisis. The President has only given a handful of remarks on the situation, claiming he made the right decision to withdraw in every one of them and insisting his administration has "everything under control" while forgetting to share basic details of operations with the public. When will he ever be held accountable for this tragic disaster? Of course, there are many others that also should share in the blame.
If this country still had some sense of justice, and officials started to be held accountable for their performance, many of them would definitely be fired on the spot. What is even more worrying is the fact that millions upon millions of Americans have been dealing with so many hardships and with things being done in a wrongful manner that they became numb and started to accept whatever our incompetent leaders tell them to believe. They don't want to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. And now we're in a country where the blind are leading the blind while we steamroll down a highway that doesn’t lead us anywhere good. Every major society throughout history ended up crumbling and falling apart, and now our society has started to crumble too. Although our ruin was probably inevitable, do we really have to look so shamefully incompetent in the process?