Dawn of man: S2 Ep17 - Northlands - Damn raiders attacked my weak spot

Dawn of man: S2 Ep17 - Northlands - Damn raiders attacked my weak spot

The walls are coming along nicely, we have 1 very obvious weak-point though, we have no towers and big gaps on the top of the hill. Naturally this is the spot a bunch of raiders have decided to attack. This is not going to go well. We just survived winter and now this. Nice job game.

Take control of a settlement of the first modern humans, guide them through the ages in their struggle for survival.

Dawn of Man is a survival/city-builder from the creators of Planetbase.

The game starts in the Stone Age, and takes you up to the Iron Age, spanning more than 10,000 years of human prehistory.

You will have to get your people to survive, expand and evolve, just like our ancestors, facing the challenges that the environment will throw at you.

millitantMillitantdawn of man

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