With the number of guys asking about this topic it seems like a lot of you guys out there want to date single moms…
Or at least curious as to how that would look like.
Well, no worries, man. I’ve got you covered!
Today we’re going to talk about everything you need to know before dating a single mom…
► What do you need to know about dating single moms?
► How do you handle her kids?
► Why is it important to set the right expectations?
► Are you ready to date single moms?
0:00 Introduction
1:04 What Does Your Life Look Like?
- Different factors
- Are you ready to get involved with someone with kids?
- The demographics of the dating scene today
- What’s going on in your life
- Consider the kids’ situation
4:10 Be Upfront
- What are your goals?
- What are you looking for?
- Are you looking for a relationship?
- Do you just want a short-term relationship or one-night stand?
6:55 Don’t Involve Yourself With The Kids
- At least in the beginning
- Wait until everything is stable and solid in the relationship
- Don’t be that guy who uses the kid to ”gain some dating points” with their mom
10:27 Her Priorities
- Her child comes first (or at least they should be)
- Set aside time for you and her
- Be respectful of their time together
#singlemom #relationships #dating
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