Hey there mommies/dads …. Today was a very stressful day. My girlies were having tantrums since 7am .. crying all day, refusing all foods , fighting with each other , ect… so instead of me continuing to yell at the babies or be aggressive with them( NEVER PHYSICAL ) I decided to shift the energy.. we got dressed and headed outside for some sunshine and also to pick up the good vibrations from others …now I’m not saying that this is the remedy for EVERY situation or family …. However today this method worked for us.. so to all the moms & dads …. YES I know sometimes we get bent out of shape and run out of patience … but let just take a breather , think fast, and shift the mood.. we are THIER guides.. they take cues from US.. so In order to be good to them …we must first be GREAT to ourselves…. You’re NOT ALONE.. you’re not WRONG… we are still humans FIRST .. let’s just regroup and make the best of the day that we’ve been gifted…WE GOT THIS !! Mommy is the motive PERIOD 💪🏽 we’re in this crazy thing they call motherhood TOGETHER!!!! Like , comment and SUBSCRIBE for more … also hit tht bell and get notified when I post new videos 🖤