Identifying the Trials That Test Faith - Pastor Dr. Valerie Crumpton

Identifying the Trials That Test Faith - Pastor Dr. Valerie Crumpton

Isolation. Frustration. Trepidation. 2020 was brute personified. Countless people unemployed and evicted, waiting in food pantry lines, and dying of COVID-19. Since the pandemic unfolded, one question still looms amidst the face masks: Where in the world is God in these dark times? See, the truth has been compromised, redefined, and scrutinized when we fail to recognize who God is. The infallible news is that this pandemic cannot overshadow God's omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. From Genesis to Revelation, He is the same Father of Lights that James, the servant, wrote about to encourage Jewish Christians to “count it all joy” when faced with trials and temptations — and that’s where we will find God. The darker the times, the brighter He shines! As we prepare to usher in a new year, be encouraged with godly wisdom for 2021: study the Word of God, be quick to listen, slow to speak or get angry, and delight in knowing that He will help you navigate what lies ahead!

Message: Navigating Troubled Times!
Scripture: James 1 (KJV)
Speaker: Pastor Dr. Valerie Crumpton
Date: December 30, 2020

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