If I was in squid game - TW blood and flashing lights - Gacha club

If I was in squid game - TW blood and flashing lights - Gacha club

I swear if this flops- this took like 3 hours

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Gacha club

What is squid game?

Squid game is a game that makes you play children games, but one wrong step while playing it.. (If you lose and get eliminated) you actually die. There can only be 1 person left standing in squid game. There are 6 games you have to play aswell. The last one standing gets 45 billion yen! So that is why people are so desperate to win. But obviously it’s going to be hard to get that much money .. You only get to play in the squid games if your don’t have that much money and have a lot of dept, bills,taxes, and your life is hard. This game is giving you that opportunity to pay all those bills and have a better life.


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