My big video project for this month, in which I delve into all the factors that drew me into shipping Dimitri and Dedue in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Meta analysis, comparisons to other relevant ships, and much squeeing over two cute big guys ahead.
00:00 Introduction
01:40 Apex of the Lord/Knight Relationships
06:39 Dedue and His Foils
13:02 Dimidue as the Anthithesis of Edeleth
19:47 Two Very Soft Bois
26:08 Outro
"What Your Favorite Fire Emblem Ship Says About You," Eldena Doubleca5t: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNciSjBTkGA
"Fire Emblem is Slowly Improving Its Same-Sex Romance Options," Kotaku article: https://kotaku.com/fire-emblem-is-slowly-improving-its-same-sex-romance-op-1836832052
Dedue Bear Week Twitter account: https://twitter.com/deduebearweek
My blog: https://gascon-en-exil.tumblr.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gascon_en_exil