*Wacky Wednesday*
*Wacky Wednesday*
Blues Klues what's old & new developing behind the scenes! The gag is urban gossip channels & black yt beef sectors are soooo adamant as they make false attempts to change facts, evidence, conclusive findings, &/or truth. Spreading fake news & disinformation about celebs in attempts to garner views, clout chase, & mislead your viewers is subpar and basic shat! Allow spiritually broken and morally bankrupt & corrupt to reveal themselves as God continues to pull evils' veils. If you've managed to maintain your serenity, tranquility, & peace...hmmm simply avoid rabbit holes. Misery& stupidity are the underlying issues to self inflicted systemic and systematic oppression. Allow the blind to lead the blind and ignore distractions. In any event, real intellectual scholars would never take zombies seriously. Especially those who commit Freudian slips 🤔 His mod does his homework which cant get him automatically expelled from whatever university he attends. That's the gag! There's nothing like hearing news from horses' mouths. Another mod was so focused on beefing & put being a mod over her own self care & health.🤔 Cant make this ish up! Celebrities, influencers, & Creators should start suing messy "bloggers" who deliberately engage in defamation and slander. **At some point in time, accountability must occur and zombies must be taught real life lessons. Its one thing to have opinions and conduct commentary based upon what is reported by legitimate outlets. Its defamation & slander when incompetent guppies use deceitful tactics to harass individuals and have the audacity to cry wolf. Urban plantations have lost all of their morals, lack self responsibility, & personal responsibility. ***This is why productive Black folks refuse to socialize spiritually broken and morally bankrupt and corrupt. God sits up high & looks down low. ***Real advocates are turning their backs, putting humanity& themselves first! There's nothing depts nor D.C can do about scholars allowing zombies to waddle in their lifelong generational debauchery and full fledged degeneracy. We will never accept degenerates into societies so they might as well repent and beg God for 2nd chances. Save yourselves Patriots! Stop donating against your own interests and stop falling for sob stories. Evil never have and never will have a conscious. Stop allowing evil to leech off you and your positive kinetic energies. As stated, evil only attempts to interfere with real change, real reform, real progress, & most of all individuals' innate Greatness! **Individuals should start screening their mods bc they can sabotage your hard work as they secretly hate on those who once mentored them. In any event, enjoy your hotep minstrel shows bc many will never ever land lucrative interviews bc they are liabilities in entertainment realms as well as liabilities to Commoners ie humanity ie financial realms ie competent institutions and most all threats to👩⚖👩⚖ unions between Men & Women! Our Men come before feelings of jezebels and dusty males who will in fact be stuck together waddling within self hatred. Productice Negroes will never accept nor welcome degenerates. That's the gag! 😂#WW3 Prep, pray, social distance, & stay out of the way!🤡 Zombies are nothing without Consumers, legitimate Business Men, and Taxpayers. I digress.