Manifest Your Desired Fictional Character(s) Subliminal

Manifest Your Desired Fictional Character(s) Subliminal

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This is my new Fictional Characters Subliminal; with this subliminal, you will manifest your desired fictional Character(s) safely. You will manifest your fictional characters whenever you want, however you want, you decide how they look, who they are, if they have a profession, you decide what/who they like and don't like, (including their favorite foods, drinks, people, ANYTHING.) You decide their personality, appearance, body, scent, texture, traits, VOICE!! Everything. You're in control. Whether you want to manifest a friend group, a squad of any kind, more family members, a romantic relationship, new peers/friends in your school/job, you can make and have your fictional characters however you want, if you made up a fictional character or just have one with a specific job or in a specific school, and you want them to already be in that specific job/school, have all the progress you want them to have, have all the currency you want them to have, traits, appearance, voice, body, hair (If any.) Anything. You will get it, it WILL happen, the way you want them to, you can choose what type of clothes they wear, how/where/what they travel on, where they live, how your loved ones react to them. IM TELLING YOU, IF YOU WANT THEM IN YOUR EXACT AREA, TO LIVE THERE, ETC, YOU WILL GET IT. For real. They'll be exactly how you want them to be, you choose when you'll meet them, where you'll meet them, they'll react in your desired/ideal way. Whatever you choose. I like this quote by a wonderful YouTuber. Hyler is her name, her quote says "Whatever you assume is true is true." Now go, and meet your Fictional Characters, be happy, succeed in your goals!! ❤️

I Have Successfully Manifested All My Desired Fictional Characters, it is mind blowing! I'm so happy!! They are in this world, in human form; they have the exact appearance, scent, texture, traits, voice, personality, profession, and life that I desired them to have; and it's working out perfectly. I have my exact desired relationships with my fictional characters, it's perfect! I'm so excited. I have absolutely everything I desire, I have absolute faith! I manifested them safely, and I met them in the way I desired to meet them, the timing I desired, they all manifested the exact way I desired them too! Everything turned out great! This is amazing!!

(You can even add/make your own benefits/affirmations.)

Let me know how this works for you, if you want to; good luck. 😊❤️


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