"Mufi Republican" Kurt Fevella Wants Higher Taxes on YOU to Enrich His Union Buddies

BARACK OBAMA WAS A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER TOO -- JUST LIKE HAWAII'S HIGHEST-RANKING REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE: Get to know Mufi Republican and Open Borders/Higher Taxes/Wasteful Spending advocate KURT FEVELLA. Based on this video from the Honolulu City Council nine years ago, he hasn't changed his stripes at all. Today, as the highest-ranking elected GOP official in Hawaii, State Senator Fevella supports higher taxes. He supports higher debt. He supports wasteful public projects. He even supports amnesty for illegal aliens so they can continue taking away jobs and housing and social services from legal Hawaii residents. Anything to take money from YOUR pocket and LINE THE POCKETS of his union buddies. That's what Democrats do. Sadly, this is what RINO's do too. Check out Kurt's t-shirt and "RAIL NOW" buttons. Being a cheerleader and/or advocacy thug for "Go Rail Go" is what unites Mufi Hannemann puppets and Kurt Fevella's mentor "RINO Bob" McDermott. They will LIE, LIE, LIE about traffic relief and affordable housing in order to justify getting rich off of building rail and the luxury condos now being built around train stations. Yes folks, we have been infiltrated by Democrat community organizers and they now CONTROL the Republican Party of Hawaii. State GOP chair Shirlene Ostrov vouched for Hawaii's newest state senator. Now, Fevella wants HIGHER TAXES for you and AMNESTY for illegals and WASTEFUL SPENDING for his buddies. Yes, our state party vouched for Fevella -- looking us right in the eye and LYING to us. If you think Kurt Fevella is pushing for GOP solutions and reforms in the state senate like Sam Slom used to, then you’re kidding yourself. He’s a Democrat sellout like all 24 of his colleagues. Auwe!
