Problem Railroad Crossings Of 7 Mile Ohio & Huge CSX Auto Racks Train On Norfolk Southern Main Line

Problem Railroad Crossings Of 7 Mile Ohio & Huge CSX Auto Racks Train On Norfolk Southern Main Line

Railroad crossing problems in Seven Mile Ohio revisit. Look how fast this Norfolk Southern freight train flies over this railroad crossing north of Hamilton Ohio at 7 Mile. Then we see a CSX local switching freight train go across the huge railroad bridge over the Great Miami River. After looking at an abandoned trailer park by the railroad tracks we then see a huge CSX auto racks train going through the wye onto the Norfolk Southern main line toward Cincinnati. The problem railroad crossing is interesting. This is my second visit to this crossing. I saw this on Channel 9 News from Cincinnati. The news media stopped there at least twice to meet with the local residents who are complaining about trains blocking the crossing. Local residents were holding signs protesting the 3 crossings. One person said that they were going to talk to a property owner about using his property if their local officials couldn't solve the problem. I'm still not clear on what the problem is so I will probably have to return again. Both times that I was there the trains flew across all 3 crossings in just a matter of minutes. Maybe they go slower at times or stop but I don't know. I wish Channel 9 would have better explained the complaint. Trains have got longer with the Harriman effect of combining 2 trains together to save money so maybe that has something to do with it. I just want to know what the exact issue is with the 3 crossings. I got there just before noon and stayed until the evening and only 2 trains went by. The second one was a double stack train that I didn't film because it caught me off guard and I couldn't get into position in time. I am trying to find out exactly what the problem is. As the news media always says: "We are working to learn." Wow, that really looks stupid when I put that in print. But it's true, the news media says that all the time.
I went to Hamilton to film after that. If anymore trains would have gone through Seven Mile I would have known it since that line connects into the line that goes through Hamilton. Check out the railroad crossing lights for the abandoned trailer park. They still work. Should I go back and film them in action? Also, leave a comment as to how fast that first train was going. Trains on the NS Seven Mile line use 160.440 and trains on the CSX line through Hamilton call out the signals on 160.230 and the EOT frequency is 452.9375. Yes, I am aware that they use other frequencies as well but these are the main road frequencies and the defect detectors are on these frequencies. I filmed these trains on September 8, 2021. Thanks for watching!
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