Quick Pharyngitis Relief | Reduce Pain and Swell & Stop Inflammation & Swallow and Talk like Normal
The human body energy field plays a very important role in our health. Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. Sound healing synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies. “To heal is to make the sound”.
Everything is vibrating at specific frequencies, and energy is transferred through vibration.
Bacteria, viruses, and other organisms living in your body have their unique resonant frequency. You can tackle them by using the same vibration.
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Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx, which is in the back of the throat. It’s most often referred to simply as “sore throat.” Symptoms of pharyngitis can vary depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms might include pain or a scratchy sensation in the throat, which may worsen with swallowing or talking, difficulty swallowing, swollen, red tonsils, and hoarse or muffled voice. The most common cause of pharyngitis is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. A sore throat caused by a virus resolves on its own.
Antibiotics can be used to deal with bacteria-induced pharyngitis, but they cannot kill viruses. It is easier to prevent pharyngitis in the first place. Washing your hands thoroughly, using hand sanitizer, avoiding contact with sick people, and avoiding sharing food should be enough. If you do have pharyngitis, do not hesitate to try our frequency. This frequency of 40, 570, 620, 910, 7500, 295560, 525710, 650320, 759830, 924310 Hz can reduce pain and swell in the pharynx.
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