Setting up BREEDING tank. Fighting fish introductions to day 2 attending to his babies.

Setting up BREEDING tank. Fighting fish introductions to day 2 attending to his babies.

Hi everyone. hope this helps. I have compiled a short video of my fighting fish breeding process.

First of all. Fish tank set up.

1.You need 15ltr tank,
2. pre conditioned tap water (put stress/zyme or water conditioner, leaf zone (opt), aquarium salt conditioner - follow instructions as per bottle),
3. Fish tank Heater (if you are in cold country)
4. Filter or aerator
5. some live plants for female to hide
6. Indian almond leaf or foam (optional) it encourages the male to make bubble nest.
7. Fill the tank about 3/4 high (water here is mix with new water about 30% and use old water from other fish tank if possible) ... then Introducing them
8. Put the male 1st in the breeding tank so he can familiar himself and own his castle
9. introduction of the female. put her in a see-through container float it in the breeding tank. let them see each other but separately. As the male will attack the female first or vice versa.
10. After male makes his bubble nest, and female is showing breeding strip's or she is dancing sideways with him.. let her out.... the mating will begin shortly.

Mating can take 3hrs to 24hrs... depending. Father embraces female and fertilised the eggs.. he then collects and place them into bubble nest.

Once they finished mating, take out the female as he will attack her in protection of his eggs... Feed the female with live food (mosquito larvea or frozen blood warms etc).

Father fighter fish will attend to eggs for 2 days... till it hatches... then catches the wriggly tiny hatched babies for 2 days ... placing them in bubble nest to breath.

Day 2. Still catching then but sometimes babies are fast enough to swim... making sure they swim horizontally .. then take Father's out. As he will eat his babies as he will get frustrated that the babies get away from nest... feed him same as female.

Day 3 (At day2 Make brine shrimps hatchery to hatch brine shrimps eggs). Watch babies swimming strongly and feed with Brine shrimp eggs if they hatches already.

Ok Goodluck.


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