(Short version recording) Imperial anthem of the (fictional) G36 Empire

(Short version recording) Imperial anthem of the (fictional) G36 Empire

"Hail under our crimson-crossed banner", short version by ivang36.

The war for our rights,
the rights for our people,
the fatherland has achieved!

We soldier on, before our emperor!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!
For the emperor has us proud!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!

Through peace and war,
our patriotism will never die,
for as long as our emperor reigns!

We soldier on, before our emperor!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!
For the emperor has us proud!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!

We are proud to live here,
we will always be so,
as our great grandfathers fought for our glorious empire!

We soldier on, before our emperor!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!
For the emperor has us proud!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!
Hail under our crimson-crossed banner!


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