Spanish Island could be flooded with toxic gases, earthquakes & tsunamis after the volcanic eruption

Spanish Island could be flooded with toxic gases, earthquakes & tsunamis after the volcanic eruption

#Volcano #LaPalma #CanaryIsland #Lava #SpainVolcano

The Canary Island Volcanology Institute stated that the consequences of Spain’s volcanic eruption could last up to 84 days based on assessments of previous volcanic eruptions. The Volcanology Institute said that residents may face dangers like earthquakes, lava flows, toxic gases, acid rains, and volcanic ash. The Institute also said that Tuesday night there were numerous new eruptions that hurled rocks and cinders high into the air. Lava with temperature exceeding 980-degree Celsius could cause explosions and release toxic gases on coming in contact with the water. The volcano continues to spew million of tons of ash which has become a matter of concern.
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