This Russia's Gigantic Nuclear Battlecruiser Will Terrify Opponents!

This Russia's Gigantic Nuclear Battlecruiser Will Terrify Opponents!

This Russia's Gigantic Nuclear Battlecruiser Will Terrify Opponents!

The Kirov-Class Battlecruisers were a dozen Russian naval warships designed in the late 1980s, like much of Russia's naval fleet at the time, to go to war with American naval ships. These battlecruisers were armed to the teeth and featured elaborate and extensive weaponry, including several missiles. As of 2016, the 12 Kirov-Class Battlecruisers were both the largest cruisers in the world and the largest vessels in the entire Russian Navy. These ships were known for their massive power and immense size.

As with most of the Russian naval militia, these ships were made to attack American vessels. When these vessels were crafted in the late 1980s, their purpose was that of the rest of the navy: neutralize American aircraft carriers during warfare by any means necessary, as they posed a significant threat to Russia, particularly Moscow’s nuclear missile submarines.

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