थोड़ी तो फिक्र करो... Time to regulate Bollywood...

थोड़ी तो फिक्र करो... Time to regulate Bollywood...

#SunilJha #SpeakUpQnA #People #Mumbai #Bollywood #SidharthShukla

#SpeakUpQnA Ep-: What did Bollywood learn in 14 months? It seems nothing. Bollywood is failing to recognise the need of a regulator, a mechanism that creates an institutional system of providing basic security so that people don’t have to be insecure about what would happen if they don’t get work. Time for government to come in and set up a Regulator that can frame laws and rules to make life of those working in the film industry better and reduce the stress and work pressure.

Disclaimer: The views, opinion and comments expressed on the show are purely that of the guests & participants and the platform doesn't hold any responsibility for the same.

Host: The session is conducted by Sunil Jha who is the former news operations head at NewsX & News24, Anchor @ABP NEWS, Associate Editor & Chief of Bureau @India Today, Senior Special Correspondent @Aaj Tak & UNI.

Connect With Sunil: FB Profile: JhaSunilBN FB Group: Sunil BN Jha Official FB Page: SunilBNJha; BadhegaBiharBadhengeBihari Instagram: sunilbnjha Twitter: @sunilbnjha Telegram: Sunil BN Jha Linkedin: Sunil Jha.


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