In this video, I analyze the knowledge requirements behind the Canadian RPAS (drone) Pilot Exams, establish that over 50% are not relevant to drone pilots, and propose a different approach.
My contention is that the knowledge requirements should be changed to ensure the exams focus on drone regulations, where drone pilots can fly, and the safe operation of drones. The exam questions should be scrubbed with respect to these focus areas, and the unnecessary or ridiculous exam questions should be thrown out.
If you agree, send an email to the head of Transport Canada's RPAS team, Ryan Coates (Ryan.Coates@tc.gc.ca) and/or the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra (Omar.Alghabra@parl.gc.ca) and/or your member of parliament.
Here's a link to TP15263 with the Knowledge Requirements: https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/publications/knowledge-requirements-pilots-remotely-piloted-aircraft-systems-250-g-including-25-kg-operating-within-visual-line-sight-vlos-tp-15263
A DonDronesOn production.
See all my favourite Drone and Camera products on Amazon:
Drone Pilot Canada is the app of choice for Canadian drone flyers! It provides the features you need to meet all the procedural requirements of the 2019 Canadian RPAS regulations.
Drone Pilot is available for purchase here:
Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/drone-pilot-canada/id1455291540
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myappatory.dronecanada
Data can now be transferred between platforms but each platform (Apple or Android) requires a separate purchase. Videos are available on my channel, DonDronesOn.com, with demos and training for all capabilities in Drone Pilot Canada. Contact me at DonDronesOn@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions.
All my DonDronesOn Exam Study Guide PDFs and Soft Copy Log Books are available for purchase here:
Please join the Drone Pilot Canada Exam and RPAS Regulation Discussion Group on Facebook. The group focuses on discussing information required to pass the basic and advanced exams and preparing for your flight review. The new 2019 Canadian drone regulations are also discussed in the group. The group supports flying in compliance with the 2019 Canadian RPAS regulations:
I use CyberLink PowerDirector 365 to edit my videos. PowerDirector now includes free access to Shutterstock stock footage! Here's a referral link:
Choosing the right music for a video is important. I use music from Epidemic Sound. You can join Epidemic Sound from the link below and enjoy a free month:
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