hi guys uh my name is dr michael hyman i
practice urology here in Encino which is
a suburb of Los Angeles and i'm what has
been designated as a center of excellence for
UroLift that just means i've done
several hundred so i have a lot of
experience with it and today i just want
to talk to you about
drugs versus UroLift
it may seem kind of
aggressive but in truth
i think we've come to a time in our sort
of history of of treating this condition
we now have a procedure where honestly
the benefits outweigh uh the
risks and negative uh factors when it
comes to
comparing this with
medication all the medication for
prostate enlargement conditions like
flomax or arapaflow or uroxitrol these
are called alpha blockers
or proscar and avidar these are called
five alpha reductase inhibitors
these are all fancy terms but the law
the the sort of simplification is that
in the second case the five alpha
reductase inhibitors like proscar and
avadar those drugs are reducing your
active testosterone known as
dihydrotestosterone and so they're going
to have an effect on your sex drive
almost assuredly
they may make you feel more tired you
may not have that same oomph as you did
when your testosterone levels were all
the way up
and then as far as the other drugs the
alpha blockers like flomax and rapid
and youroxytrol these drugs also
they can make you lightheaded if they
when you stand up quickly they can make
you a little bit sleepy during the day
some people complain of lethargy they
can give you a stuffy nose they will
often result in a loss of semen or
certainly a reduction in semen which for
some men is very bothersome
interestingly those drugs the alpha
blockers can cause a problem called
floppy iris syndrome which is a
condition that
ultimately makes it much more
complicated for ophthalmologists to
to fix cataracts if you ever develop
them so you may be thinking i'll just
stop the drug if i develop a cataract
but it's kind of a cumulative effect i'm
told from my ophthalmology colleagues
and they're always very grateful when we
uh use something like UroLift so that
they can then get off the those drugs
UroLift is just one of the very very
rare treatments that doesn't have side
effects it really doesn't
it's extremely rare for anyone to have a
side effect after this procedure so i
would really strongly encourage you to
think about it
feel free to reach out i'm at
d-r-h-y-m-a-n-dr hyman drhyman.net
take care