Warzone - Absolute BEST Sniper Loadouts

Warzone - Absolute BEST Sniper Loadouts

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0:00 Intro
0:54 New BV Tests
4:56 Best Aggressive Sniper (Swiss)
6:55 Best Sniper Supports (OTS 9)
8:22 Best Sniper Supports (TEC-9)
10:47 Best Sniper Supports (AK-74u)
14:55 Best Sniper Supports (XM4)
18:44 Best Sniper Supports (CW AK-47)
20:53 Best Long Range Sniper (ZRG)

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Here is a great subreddit that I work with to talk about the best/most unique/your favorite loadouts: reddit.com/r/codloadouts

Visit my site (https://truegamedata.com/index.php) to compare and build your weapons with their true in game stats!

Intro music and background music from Dragon Ball Lofi by Rifti Beats. Check him out, I'm obsessed with his stuff.

cod warzonemetarecommended build

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