3 Minute Wrap-Up Routine for an Easier Start | Reset Routine

3 Minute Wrap-Up Routine for an Easier Start | Reset Routine

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3 Minute Wrap-Up Routine for an Easier Start | Reset Routine

I don’t know about you but starting has always been the hardest part for me when it comes to studying. Once I got the ball rolling, everything just seemed to flow - including my initial nonexistent motivation. If you’re in the same boat, let me show you my mini study ritual that helps me get unstuck every single time without fail. Today I would like to share my ultimate get your ish back in the game secret.

Oh and did I mention that it’s only 3 minutes long?


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Disclaimer: The content of this channel is not a substitute for therapy. If you are suffering with a severe and enduring mental health issue, please contact your doctor and only use the ideas from these videos under the guidance of a qualified psychologist/counsellor who can help you apply what is most appropriate for your needs.

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